How I Make my Money From Home

Posted in Internet Marketing on Agustus 19, 2008 by threersoft

I have a very strange business. I provide free information that brings people to websites, and then sell ad space on those websites. It works great for me because I have a knack for filling needs that aren’t being taken care of very well. Once I have identified an area that could use some good information, I create a website and start posting that information.

You probably found this article by doing a search for ‘how to make money at home’, ‘how to make money from home’, or something similar. See what I did to bring you here? I created some useful information and what happened? You and hundreds of other people find me in Google, or Yahoo, or MSN. You come to this site, where I can sell ad space to advertisers who are looking for people like you. Interesting, isn’t it?

As you read this article, I am probably asleep or messing around with some friends. I still make cash because I have created a valuable asset. This last year, I went to Cabo with some friends. We had a really fun week. I made more while I was gone than it cost to go. What happened to my friends? They lost money because they took work off. Hmm… I took work off and made money.

This is where other people will start to butter you up telling you how freaking smart they are. They will tell you that their ’system’ is the only way to internet millions. Their system probably is a way to internet millions – to them. $100 or so dollars at a time taken from good people like you gives them all the money they will ever need. They will even provide you with proof.

How make money

Posted in Internet Marketing on Agustus 19, 2008 by threersoft

So you want to learn how to make money at home. If you’re like most people in your position, you will waste hundreds or even thousands of dollars trying to learn a process that will provide you with income from home. See, there are thousands upon thousands of money hungry, selfish, and unethical people who are looking to take advantage of a person on your position. They see you as nothing more than an easy way to make a quick buck.

You may think that you are immune. You may think that you can smell a rat. If this is what you think, I would recommend going ahead and trying some of the worthless garbage that’s out there. At some point, you’ll figure out that you get about 500 emails per day from people that aren’t telling you anything worthwhile. At that point, come back.

I can tell you that less than 5% of you will make it. Why? Because most of you are looking for easy money. Most of you are probably too lazy to make this work. What will you do? You will keep looking around for the easy money. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you will probably spend more than you make. You will keep buying crappy products that are supposed to make you rich. Trust me, they will make someone rich, it just won’t be you.

Learning how to make money from home in reality isn’t that different from the process any business owner goes through. You will have to find something that is in need, and figure out a method that you can use to fill that need. That might sound difficult right now, but I think that I can help you with that process.

Hello world!

Posted in Internet Marketing on Agustus 19, 2008 by threersoft

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